Awaken Your Inner Genius & Step onto the path of your Higher Purpose


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1-to-1 Gene Keys Life Guidance Session with Quinn

In this session, we’ll explore your unique Gene Keys profile, revealing your inner potential while highlighting the challenges that represent the growth edge of your evolution.

With personalised guidance, you’ll gain greater clarity on how to use your Gene Keys profile as a map to align your life with your higher purpose.

Gene Keys Life Guidance

1.5 hour session


(£95 with GK Quest Book) 

  • Explore the main features of your Gene Keys profile
  • Discover your unique path to activate your highest potential
  • Develop awareness and strategies to navigate the trials you may face on your life quest
  • Radiate the specific light your here to share with the world

This session includes:

  • Your Hologenetic Profile FREE from Gene Keys

  • Quinn's preparation prior to your session

  • 1.5 hour session with Quinn via Zoom


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The Gene Keys are a synthesis of transformational wisdom that invite you on a journey of self discovery to a deeper understanding of yourself and your higher purpose in life. 

The Gene Keys Teachings offer vital insight to support the evolution of consciousness during this time in our world history.

Cultivate deeper self-awareness and the ability to express your creative potential.

Whether you’re seeking greater emotional harmony or clarity on your life direction, this session offers the validating insights and soul-centred wisdom to support you wherever you are in life.


Initiate your Gene Keys Experience:

  • Personalised Insights to awaken your Genius: Dive into the main themes of your Gene Keys profile
  • Emotional & Spiritual Clarity: Identify limiting patterns and release your true essence.
  • Purpose & Prosperity: Tap into your vocational calling, align with synchronicities, and discover the ideal place to share your gifts with the world.





Gene Keys Guidance Sessions

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 When you order I will request your: date, place and time of birth.

The sessions are on Zoom and will be arranged via email.

A quiet, peaceful setting is optimal for your call

Exploring your Gene Keys

The Gene Keys are a set of teachings that come alive inside of you overtime as they are imbibed deeper into your being through the process of contemplation.
I can offer some inspiration and some guidance, but where you go with the insights is up to you and your own inner alchemical process.
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The Gene Keys are a living wisdom - a synthesis of ancient spiritual traditions and modern scientific insights. Together with the Gene Keys book, your personal Gene Keys Profile reveals the qualities of your inherent potential. It maps out a unique path, guiding you through challenges that, when embraced, can unlock your gifts and allow you to embody your true essence.

Your profile offers profound insights into how you can shine, why you are here, and much more


How is the profile created?

The World of the Gene Keys synthesis journeys into the holofractal nature of reality, offering you a map and compass to orient yourself in alignment with the path of your highest evolution.

Based on 64 universal patterns of consciousness, this 64-fold matrix is a mathematical coding language found throughout nature as the 64 DNA codons, within geometry, biological growth, computing, the lattice of spacetime and the crystallinity of water, as well as the 64 Hexagram I Ching that forms the foundational structure of the 64 Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys are codes of creation that highlight the evolutionary cycles that unfold through nature. By using the principle of correspondences and a holographic perspective of the cosmos, the moment and place of your birth indicates a specific geometric imprinting of this archetypal information.

This co-ordinate encodes the themes of your awakening journey this lifetime, narrating the storyline of your mythology as described by the sequence of Gene Keys found along your Golden Path.

These hologenetic codes then lead us on a path to reveal the great secrets of incarnation, as influenced by the angle of our entry into form.

It could be said that your profile is a treasure map, allowing you to navigate the labyrinth of existence as a seeker of the inner gold.



Gene Keys Guidance FAQ

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While having the Gene Keys book would definitely be beneficial for your experience, it is not in anyway essential. I can share the essence of each Gene Key with you as required.
We can also utilise the audio contemplations and other online resources so you can get a feel for your relevant Gene Keys. The Lines 1-6 of each profile sphere also provide another rich focus of exploration.
For many people, just becoming aware of the Gene Keys with their profile is enough to catalyse a deep cellular awakening process and an opening into a whole new world of wonder and universal mystery.
However. the Gene Keys is not a quick fix system. Insights come as you percolate the wisdom inside yourself in a relaxed self reflective way.
The journey gets deeper and more enriching over time as you continue along the Golden Path programs. The love and intention you pour into your own transformational process will lead to an ever more enriching experience. 
I will of course endeavour to expedite your voyage into the living wisdom field by bringing it alive for you. Patience is key as you embark on this kind of adventure.

The Gene Keys can seem complex and vast in its scope to approach at first. To avoid overwhelm, it is often useful to have a Gene Keys Guide like myself to walk you through some of the initial steps and to be a companion on your journey through the Golden Path programs. 

By understanding the system in a more intimate way, it may take years off the process to realise the true potent potential of the Gene Keys as a tool for transformation.

A guide can offer valuable reflections to support the realisation of insights as we reveal gold within the layers of the exploratory process.  Through this process we can gain clarity about the next steps in our evolutionary journey.

From Gene

We suggest starting with noon (12:00 PM). Your time of birth may not always have much effect on your Gene Keys Profile. It depends on whether you were born on or near a changing cusp.

If in doubt, you can do several Profiles and try a range of times (e.g., early in the morning and late in the evening). Then compare the Profile report (especially looking at the Gene Key numbers) and see if there is any difference.

If there is a difference, then you can read and contemplate the information given in the Golden Path Program and the Gene Keys book and trust your intuition to find the best fit for you.

The Gene Keys are neither astrology nor are they a traditional profiling system. Each Gene Key and its line is a touchstone for a process of inner transformation, therefore it is not necessary to be too fixated on the system itself. The power of this work comes from your willingness to own your own Shadow patterns and your ability to envision your life at its highest frequency.


Benefits of Exploring Your Gene Keys



The natural intelligence we here to radiate from our being rather than intellectual prowess

Grounded - Gifts - Vitality


Nurturing harmonious relationships and living with an open heart within our communities

Healing - Heart - Joy


Thriving on all levels in life through simplicity and service by attracting the right allies within life

Talent - Teamwork - Brand


The Gene Keys author and founder, Richard Rudd shares a brief introduction about how to start your journey into the Gene Keys.



Your hologenetic profile contains 3 main sequences that make up what is known as the Golden Path.

The Activation Sequence – Discovering your Genius

The 4 Gene Keys of your prime gifts are the foundational keys to expressing your unique expression of genius out in the world.

The four spheres of your Prime Gifts are the cornerstones of your life, representing the mythic themes and challenges of your global role in this lifetime. These spheres are the Life’s Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose.

The path through your Prime Gifts supports you to fulfil your life’s purpose, while remaining deeply grounded in your physical body. Their gift qualities allow your light to shine out and serve the whole.

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The Venus Sequence – Opening your Heart through Relationships

Forming the heart of the Golden Path, the Venus Sequence is an extraordinary journey into the genetic currents that shaped you in the womb and the karmic forces released at the moment of your conception.

It offers insights into the patterns of trauma and defence mechanisms that present themselves through our lives as opportunities for growth and maintaining a gentle open heart.



The Pearl Sequence - Releasing your Prosperity through Service

The four stages of the Pearl Sequence are called the Vocation, Culture, Brand and Pearl. They describe a process of reorientation and synchronicity that brings you into contact with those people, cultures, places and dimensions that are required in order for you to fulfil your highest destiny.

They guide you in finding the highest possible form of service you can offer to the world through your inherent gifts. The Pearl brings to you the secrets of prosperity through an embodiment of simplicity.

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The 6 Lines of the Gene Keys

The 6 Lines form a powerful underlying pattern within the Gene Keys Golden Path, revealing a specific archetypal lens with which to view the Gene Key in your Hologenetic Profile.

In essence, the six lines tell the story from Personal to Transpersonal. Each line has its own archetypes, its own wounds, its own flavour. Due to their holographic nature, the qualitive energy of the 6 lines stays consistent throughout the entire Golden Path, though its particular keynotes and way of manifesting changes depending on the Sphere it is located within. Below are some key archetypal principles of each of the 6 lines.

Line 1

Inner Essence – Introspection – Investigation – Self-Empowerment

Line 2

Expression – Projection – Ease of Being – Passion & Relationships

 Line 3

Adaptation – Discovery – Trial & Error – Energy & Experience

 Line 4

Friendship – Connection – Magnetic Influence – Love & Community

 Line 5

Practicality – Leadership – Organization – Power & Projection

 Line 6

Visionary – Overseeing – Role Model – Education & Surrender

Example Hologenetic Profile

Grounding your 4 prime gifts of consciousness in your activation sequence will build your core stability and help you conserve energy by aligning more fully with your true nature

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