The Genius in our DNA - The Sword in the Stone


I was recently listening to a presentation Richard Rudd, the author of the Gene Keys, gave during a conference where he mentioned one of his favourite childhood myths; that of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone.

During the 7 years I have been journeying with the Gene Keys, I have explored many of Richard’s presentations and I always seem to hear something fresh and through new ears. The point that sparked my interest this time was the analogy he gave for the Genius in our DNA: the Sword in the Stone. Just like Arthur was the only one who could pull the sword from the stone, only we can access the unique genius latent within our DNA.


So what do we mean by Genius?

While there could be many explorations of this, for this article, I would like to use the description from the Gene Keys Glossary.


Genius — The innate intelligence of all human beings. True genius (as opposed to intellectual genius) is a spontaneous and unstudied creative uniqueness rooted in unconditional love. Genius is the natural manifestation of a human life when it is allowed to expand without force. Genius is a hallmark of the Gift frequency band where self-forgiveness leads to a progressive opening of your heart, resulting in an explosion of creative energy throughout your being. The higher the frequency of your DNA rises, the greater your urge will be to use your genius in service to the whole. As more and more people join their genius together, the world as we see it today will be transformed.

Richard Rudd


To compliment this definition, it is worth noting the greco-roman roots of the word ‘genius’ as a ‘guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth’. We could also say that our DNA carries holographic light codes as a potential field within its geometric structure and under the right circumstances, these potential fields are actively expressed and in turn our 'Genius' in released into the world.

At the highest level, these gifts are called our Siddhi’s or Divine Gifts, representing the zenith of our Genius and a transcendent state of consciousness.

The Gene Keys Synthesis

The Gene Keys Synthesis as a body of work, offers us insight and guidance for the realisation of this inherent potential encoded within our genetic helix.

The system is based on 64 archetypal patterns of consciousness. This 64 bit matrix is found throughout nature as the 64 DNA Codons, within art, tantra, IT and the 64 hexagram I Ching that flows through life as a synchronistic fractal pattern.

One way of working with the Gene Keys wisdom is with a specific profile determined by our specific position in the space time continuum at the moment of our birth.

The Hologenetic profile

This Hologenetic profile is made up of three sequences of Gene Keys called the Activation Sequence, the Venus Sequence and the Pearl Sequence. Collectively they formed what is known as the Golden Path.

Each of the 64 Gene Keys can be expressed through three bands of awareness or frequency, the Shadow, the Gift, and the Siddhi. These three bands can also be described as a Challenge, the Creative Transformation and Transcendent Realisation. The Golden Path, therefore, is a journey through a specific set of archetypal challenges and potential gifts we incarnated with during this lifetime.

By becoming more aware of our shadow patterns, the parts of our psyche that confront us with challenges within our lives, we have the opportunity to adapt our perspective and send new signals to our cells based on our updated feeling state and overall attitude. In this way, we are consciously stepping out of the field consciousness that maintains a victim frequency state within our personal lives and throughout the collective.

Transforming the Shadow

The process of transforming a shadow into its potential gift generates an energetic message throughout our bodyfield. These signals have the potential to upgrade the expression of certain genes, unlocking new abilities and states of consciousness. Within the field of genetics, this process known as epigenetic modification, demonstrates how our DNA is a highly sensitive antennae for environmental signals and responds accordingly by turning on or off the expression of specific genes.

In this the way, the Gene Keys can enhance the progress of our evolutionary journey, by giving us insight into our specific tendencies to dip into shadow states and the potential path to transform those engrained neural pathways into their gift expression with a new creative response.

The gift expression is always the path of the heart. It involves responding to situations with love and connection, embracing an approach that resonates with our authentic nature. This stands in contrast to reacting based on our triggered mental or emotional defences, which frequently contribute to increased suffering in our lives.


The Genius of our Purpose

In conclusion, unlocking the full potential of the Genius within our DNA, much like the legendary Sword in the Stone, demands our active participation and, paradoxically, our surrender to our higher nature. It is through this surrender that our vessel can become a conduit for nobler intentions that benefit the entire tapestry of creation. This dynamic is eloquently elucidated in the Richard's contemplation for Gene Key 21, which transitions from the Shadow of Control to the Siddhi of Valour along the pathway of Authority. It takes great valour to surrender to a higher ideal.

The Genius of our purpose is about the way we do something, the unique quality of consciousness we imbue through our beingness. It is the release of our inner cellular Light that radiates out into the world of form, influencing every atom in the cosmos with its illumination.